All power to the wife

Learn how to make a slave of your husband

Learn how to make a slave of your husband

Learn how to make a slave of your husband

Learn how to make a slave of your husband

Learn how to make a slave of your husband

Learn how to make a slave of your husband

Subduing your husband is the first step in defeating the patriarchy, dear sister. As a woman you have the right to enslave your husband and use it as you see fit.

The force of the cage

A simple cage, a discreet key, a light “click” and your husband is at your feet. Do not hesitate to convince your husband to wear permanently the cock caged. Once you get it he will adore you meekly like a little lamb and, of course, he will obey all your orders at once.

Do not forget to share with all your female friends, and sisters, how wonderful it is to have your husband cock caged all the time. It is very important that you share with the people around you keep your husband cock caged all the time. This is the best way to foster the power of the wife over the husband.

Press the button and discover the tricks and ideas to have your husband cock caged, we will also present you the best penis cage models in the market.

Sex freedom for you

Well, you already have your husband totally cock caged all the time except at the time of intimate hygiene. Of course his sexual life has ended since his only priority will be to satisfy you as the woman you are. But just because your husband’s sex life is over doesn’t mean yours is over. In fact, you will notice how your desire to experience sexual pleasure increases remarkably, especially when you touch the padlock key of his chastity cage with your fingertips. So you can enjoy sex with your friends, girlfriends, lovers, boyfriends or acquaintances without problem, even in front of your husband with no danger or hard feeling. He will answer with a wide smile in his face, for sure. Enjoy seeing how your husband, in addition to accepting your sexual freedom, begins to be totally helpful regarding your needs. Even over time you will be able to abuse him as if he were a simple sex toy, a doll with which to fulfill your most shameful sexual fantasies .

Bye, bye homework

A simple cage, a discreet key, a light “click” and your husband is at your feet. You will see with great satisfaction, dear sister, how your husband takes care of doing the housework himself with a wide smile on his face. The desperation to get rid of his penis cage will make her attend to each and every one of the housework.

Suddenly your husband will be interested in learning how to do laundry, ironing, cooking, cleaning the house, knowing the typical household tricks for cleaning and caring for the home, and so on. He will even vehemently insist that you do absolutely no housework since he has a duty to do them as a husband. So you will be able to dedicate to yourself all the time that you previously dedicated to housework.

You keep the money

Yes, dear sister, a man would pay anything to be able to free his penis and enjoy it freely. That is why you will see how your husband insists that you direct and decide on the domestic economy and that you control absolutely all the money.

So overnight you will have absolute control over the bank accounts and properties of your marriage. From then on you can order him to work more overtime, to travel by public transport instead of by car, or to change his daily customs and habits in order to increase your economic wealth. It is then that you will realize that buying that male chastity belt was the best investment you could make in your marriage.

From the moment your husband is economically nullified, he becomes a simple object, a kind of merchandise.

You, and only you, decide on reproduction.

   Once your husband has become a servant at your mercy, it is time to think about the important things in life such as reproduction. Of course you and only you will decide when, how and with whom you want to reproduce. Many of our sisters, the vast majority of them, decide to use their lovers for reproduction instead of their cock caged husbands. From the moment the wife directs and controls the economy of the marriage you, the mother, will be the only one in charge of the financial maintenance of your daughters and sons.

The wife power is based in the adoration of the vulva.

It is possible, since your husband pleases you only with oral sex, that he knows your vulva better than you do. It should not be that way, dear sister, a self-respecting wife should know her vulva as if it were the palm of her hand. Look at your vulva often in a mirror, take your time, enjoy seeing it reflected, explore all the folds of your skin and your vaginal mucosa, your vulva is you and you are a sacred being, like the woman you are. Do not hesitate to show your husband your vulva frequently and make sure that he understands this act as a symbol of power, of your feminine superiority over him.

The Universal Gynecocratic Republic we have created a new culture based in the power of the vulva. After doing a long an hard work we have been able to create “the vulvocentric culture” that has revolutionized the world allowing women to take the power, all the power and all over the world. Dear wife, we invite you to visit our page and find out about the importance of your female genitalia.

The purpose of this website is to promote female empowerment among all marriages in the patriarchal world. Destroying the patriarchy from within is the best way to defeat male power for the greater glory of The Universal Gynecocratic Republic.

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