Magic Kings I (The origin)


The Bible is one of the most important books of the patriarchal world, it explains fantastic stories full of myths and legends. Unfortunately, the Bible has been distorted by the patriarchy to nullify, or at least discredit, the stories led by women.

The new testament, according to Saint Matthew, tells us about the visit of magical beings (the magic kings) who came to adore Jesus. The reality was distorted by the patriarchal forces to hide what really happened with Mary, Joseph and Jesus.

Legend has it that there were three magic kings: “Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar”, while the first two, Melchor and Gaspar, were white-skinned, Baltasar’s skin was dark as jet, the contrast between his skin and his really white teeth made Baltasar’s smile irresistible in front of any woman. The physical features of this king seduced the virgin, Maria, who immediately fell in love with the sensual presence of that man.

Arriving at the house of Mary and Joseph, the three kings entered and saw the child with his mother, the Virgin Mary. As soon as she saw Baltasar, Mary fell in love with him, his facial features and his dark skin as well as his masculine and sensual presence. So, Mary (very aware and sure of her feminine charms) set out with great interest to seduce him while she was nursing Jesus. That beautiful image: an attractive young woman giving her breast to that newborn to nurse him, excited Baltasar who fell captivated in front of that good looking, young and beautiful woman, she was only 20 years old. It was the female power that excited him the most, at that moment he would have fallen on his knees to submissively kiss Maria’s feet.

Finally the king’s mind focused on guarding his reputation and he did not kneel before that goddess, but this fact did not prevent him from giving in to her charms and ended up giving himself to her with passion. After nursing the child, María left him asleep in his crib under the care of Melchor and Gaspar, who watched over his sleep as a newborn, while she and Baltasar lay together in the thalamus, the sacred nuptial bed until then reserved for her husband.

After a while, Saint Joseph arrived from his carpentry shop, where he had spent the whole morning working, and he heard pleasant moans in his marriage bed. He was not warned of the arrival of those three kings and, upon entering, he found his wife, the Virgin Mary, lying with King Baltasar whom he had never seen in his life. Totally angry, he went to look for a stick to beat them to death, but suddenly the Holy Spirit made him fall into a sudden sleep and, in the form of a divine voice, sent him a loud and clear message:

“What are you going to do Jose? It is divine will that your wife, the mother of my son, lie with men of other races, customs and cultures, to promote peace and good relations between peoples and nations. Accept your fate because otherwise you will be cursed for the rest of your eternity. Now you will leave your stick on the ground, you will enter your home smiling and present yourself kindly to the king who lies with your wife. Next you will kiss Maria tenderly on her forehead and you will make yourself available and useful to both of them to serve them in whatever they may need.”

And that’s how Saint Joseph accepted his destiny and understood that his mission in life was to take care of Mary and serve her in all her erotic desires and whims. Baltasar and María never hid the desire or the sexual appetite.

The wise magic kings stayed with José and María for three months, during which time with their magic they protected the family from all kinds of evils and calamities.

In a short time, José ended up feeling proud of his wife, a free, strong, powerful and happy woman who was guaranteed complete sexual freedom by divine mandate.

During all this time, María and Baltasar lay together countless times while José accepted it as part of his destiny. When María and Baltasar enjoyed sexual pleasure, José, Melchor and Gaspar worked, did the housework and took care of the baby Jesus. The three men lived, as something normal and healthy, that Maria and Baltasar enjoy pleasant sex in a total and complete freedom.

Finally the three wise men decided to return with their camels to the east. They said goodbye to their good friends (Mary, Joseph and Jesus) and began their journey back to the East, towards their kingdoms of origin, taking with them the memory of that beautiful family in their hearts and having left them, as a gift: gold, incense, myrrh. … and a very special gift, inside the womb of María, from Baltasar.

The three kings, after three months living with their friends, returned to the East leaving as a gift: gold, incense, myrrh… and a very special gift, inside the womb of Maria, from Baltasar.

When Maria noticed that she was pregnant, she decided to ensure Jose’s fidelity and sent for a male chastity belt so that he, her devoted husband, would only have in mind his son, Jesus, and his new offspring that would be born in a few months. Maria was aware that the male mind tends to be easily distracted and a good penis cage would help José focus his mind on what was really important: his wife, Jesus and their future baby. She also forced him, every morning when he woke up and every night before going to bed, to tenderly kiss her belly, which grew more and more day after day. In this way she instilled in her husband the daily love for his future offspring before it was born.

San José had no choice but to accept that cage for his penis. As the days went by, he got used to feeling his caged member to the point of feeling, that device, as if it were his second skin. He also agreed to kiss his wife’s belly while she said beautiful and loving phrases and words to his future baby.

After a few months, a girl with mestizo skin color and jet-black eyes was born from the womb of María, the fruit of love between Baltasar and José’s wife, the Virgin Maria, who was truly happy with her daughter, and decided to call her “Hope“. In Bethlehem, gossip and malicious comments related to the tone of the newborn’s skin began, gossip to which Saint Jose responded with indifference. On the other hand, Maria overflowed with joy everywhere, she was always happy and lively. It was as if that newborn had filled her with love and vitality. It was as if a divine energy had taken possession of her, an energy that made her love her daughter, Jesus and her husband without limits from her.

Surely as a result of envy and bad feelings, more and more people whispered and gossiped about Saint Jose, the Virgin Maria and their daughter Hope. The gossip grew more and more to the point that the family began to notice hateful looks towards them.

On the other hand, María could not stop thinking about Baltasar and the pleasurable sexual relationship she had with him. José’s wife, especially when she was breastfeeding her daughter, missed making love to more black men.

The rejection of the people from Bethlehem, typical of a patriarchal society, grew to the point that, in the market, some shopkeepers refused to sell food to Maria.

One day, María decided to propose to José the idea of leaving that city (Bethlehem) to settle 570 km north of Bethlehem, specifically in Palmyra (actual Syria).

Palmyra was a key point on the famous “Silk Road” because it was in Palmyra where the route from the east divided in two. In Palmyra, the caravans of merchants took the opportunity to rest, to make a stop along the way, sometimes for several days, to decide which fork to take: towards Europe or towards eastern Africa. It was also an obligatory transit point for the caravans that left in the opposite direction: from Europe, or from Africa, towards the Far East.

Roads of the Silk Route, in blue and red, and the city of Palmira, a yellow dot.

Of course, Maria did not choose Palmyra by chance, she knew that the merchant caravans were made up of dozens of men, mostly young, from practically all corners of the known world and that caravans used to rest several days in that city. So she insisted to her husband on the idea of emigrating to Palmyra (Syria) and leaving Bethlehem (Palestine) behind.

Saint Jose flatly refused the idea, he was born in Bethlehem, there he had his work, his carpentry clients, his friends and relationships. Maria asked her to trust her, that despite being twenty-five years younger than Jose, she knew what she was doing and was convinced that emigrating to Palmyra was the best option considering the growing rejection of the people of Bethlehem towards them.

Nothing seemed to be able to convince José. Despite the fact that María had the key to her husband’s chastity belt, he seemed to not listen to reason. Until one night of deep sleep, the Holy Spirit appeared again, to Jose, with a clear and concise message:

“Obey your wife and leave for Palmyra or you will be lynched.”

José could see and feel, in his dreams, how an angry mob charged against them, how they surrounded his house and harassed him and his family, first with shouts and finally with stones, fire and knives.

When José woke up, he saw it clearly: he went to talk to his wife, who was breastfeeding their daughter “Hope” at that time, and told her that he had decided: that same day he would put his carpentry and tools up for sale and they would prepare for the long trip to Palmyra.

This is how José, who loved his wife and his family madly, sold his carpentry, his tools, and with the money bought two camels to, with María, Jesús and Hope, begin the exodus, the long journey of almost 600 km, towards Palmyra, the promised land.

After 25 days of travel, in which the family received help and solidarity wherever they went, they finally reached Palmyra, where with the money they still had from the sale of their assets in Bethlehem, the family rented a modest house near from the crossroads of the famous Silk Road.

Once established, the procedure was simple: Maria would go out in the morning to hang clothes in the open air near the place where the caravans stopped to rest. She paid close attention to the travelers, young men and merchants that made up the caravans and finally chose the one that was made up of the largest possible number of men that attracted her. Then she went home to tell her husband her decision: “I want you to invite that caravan over there, the one that is camped in the southeastern part of the oasis, to our house.” José, in the afternoon, with a more bearable sun, would approach the caravan and invite all those men to his house for tea, with the excuse of wanting to hear the adventures and anecdotes of those merchants’ trips.

No caravan has ever refused the invitation. The men entered the patio of the family home where Maria was waiting for them sitting in a chair next to the table with the teapots ready and the delicious honey, sugar and almond sweets served. The guests sat in the chairs around the table accompanying María while José entered the house with the excuse of taking care of the children or preparing more tea and cakes. So Maria was left alone with that good company and she listened with interest to all the stories that those strangers men, coming from distant lands, told her. José went in and out of the house to continue serving tea, more pastries, water, juices, and so on.

As the afternoon progressed, María was mentally choosing the men who were going to be her bedfellows that night. She sometimes enjoyed two men, other times with three or even four, very rarely did she choose just one. The chosen ones, before entering the bedroom, had to leave their shoes outside and kneel in front of Maria to kiss her feet as a sign of obedience and submission to her, since she was the one who always decided how to love each other and who always had the last word about everything. The men that Maria had not chosen stayed chatting with Joseph or withdrew to their caravans without any conflict, the merchants are open-minded men and never took rejection as an offense.


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After the first night, the merchants, youths, and travelers did not hesitate to make themselves available to Maria during the time they were encamped in Palmyra. The woman was treated like a queen, because with her feminine and dominant character she knew how to dominate all the gentlemen who passed through her bed. Maria loved to feel how those men unloaded their warm streams of vital essence deep inside her being, how they filled her belly with that precious liquid.

The merchants were so satisfied and grateful to her that, when they packed up the camp to continue on their way, they did not hesitate to shower the family with all kind of gifts: spices, fabrics, silks, ointments, perfumes, essences, precious stones, medicines, and so on… Many of the gifts they received were silk garments (since the merchants above all transported silks) so the vast majority of the family’s dresses and garments became natural silk, as well as the sheets in which Maria lay with the travelers and merchants she chose. Before leaving, they thanked the couple for the hospitality they had received and wished them the best blessings for themselves and their children. Maria always stayed looking at the horizon, seeing how the caravan slowly moved away while her hands caressed her belly tenderly. Sometimes, during the time the caravan was camped in Palmyra, all the men in the caravan had lain with her, other times only a lucky few, depending on the mood of that woman who was beginning to be well regarded and was known as “The Silk Queen”. No one knows the nickname’s origin, if it was because her bedding was made of that precious fabric or because her young feminine skin was as soft and pleasant as silk.

The Virgin Mary did not hesitate to trade with those gifts that merchants and travelers gave her, so the marriage immediately became rich and both spouses gained power and influence in the Palmyra area. The goods that María and José were not going to take advantage of were sold or used to pay favors with them. Thanks to Maria, her powerful feminine intuition and her business savvy, over time they gained more and more power and influence among the people of Palmyra, especially among the ruling class.

The lucky men who were going to enjoy with Mary had to leave their shoes in the patio of the house and Saint Jose had the habit of cleaning and polishing the shoes of the chosen gentlemen while they lay pleasantly with his wife. So while José was cleaning and polishing the shoes of those men, he heard in the background the moans of pleasure both from the owners of those shoes, and from his own wife that could be heard from the marriage bedroom. This custom was a way of thanking them for blessing Maria’s fertile womb with their sperm. With this act, Saint Jose conveyed a clear message to them: “You are welcome to this house and so that your steps may guide you back to it and plant your seed again in the fertile womb of my wife, I clean and shine your shoes.”

José was wearing his chastity belt all the time, only his wife took it off, for reasons of intimate hygiene, since she kept the key. The man had already gotten used to the idea that he would never use his penis for sexual purposes again, but that did not prevent María from having free access to any other of her body organs, such as his tongue, for example. And it is that José, from not being able to use his penis, developed a special skill in the noble practice of cunnilingus. Maria thought that, in case she got pregnant again, especially during the last months of her pregnancy, shewould stop copulating with other men and would began to use her husband’s tongue exclusively to procure sexual pleasure.

The chosen ones had to kiss the feet of Maria.
Those not chosen had to put on a chastity belt.

A very important rule that María established in her relations with the merchants was that, except for her husband José, any man who entered her house was forbidden to ejaculate outside of her fertile womb. In other words, the men that María discarded and did not choose to enjoy with her in her bedchamber were strictly prohibited from ejaculating in her house. In case they got excited and wanted to masturbate they had to go back to their camp to do it. On the other hand, the men she did choose and enjoyed with her in bed could only ejaculate inside her womb, nowhere else. To ensure that this rule was followed, Maria entrusted Jose with the task of checking that men who were not chosen wore a chastity belt (penis cage) while they stayed at home. “All semen spilled in this sacred house must be released in my womb and only inside my womb.”. Maria said to all visitors. In such a way that when María had already decided which men to enjoy with, the sound of the kisses of the chosen ones on María’s feet was combined with the “click” of the chastity belts that José adjusted on the genitals of the non-chosen ones who decided stay at home.

María was highly desired among the men of the city, but she, an intelligent woman, never agreed to the insinuations that single and married gentlemen made her. The experience of Bethlehem had taught her, and “The Silk Queen” did not want problems to appear in the city where they were living. Moreover, she preferred those dark-skinned, exotic-looking men who came and went in the caravans. The more exotic the traveler or merchant was, the more sexual excitement she felt.

With time, María soon became pregnant again and gave birth to her second daughter, a girl also mulatto, whom she called “Faith”, it was her first daughter born in Palmira. The family did not suffer economic straits thanks to the splendid gifts and presents that the merchants made them. Even merchants who were not chosen by Maria honored them with all kinds of valuable gifts. The influence and fame that the couple acquired in Palmyra and its surroindings protected them from envy and jealousy that could appear, and surely did appear, in some sick minds. That is why Maria, her daughters, Jesus and Joseph, felt much safer and happier in Palmyra than in Bethlehem (Palestine).

It didn’t take long for Maria to become pregnant again.
The second daughter of the marriage was called “Faith”.

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