23 duties for husbands

Dear husbands:

  We, sisters from The Universal Gynecocratic Republic, have been talking about the way you have to treat women living with you: your mother, your girlfriend, your wife, your sister, your daughter, and so on. 

  We have agreed on 23 basic points that you must comply with in your daily dealings with her.

Read them carefully until you memorize them if necessary.

23 Importants points to adore your wife

1. Have a delicious meal ready for when she gets home from work.

Yes, we love that our husbands cook for us, it is part of the adoration that a husband is obliged to offer his wife. It doesn’t matter if your wife comes from work, shopping or being with her friends, or her lovers, you should always have a delicious cooked dish ready for when she gets home.

2. Offer to take off her shoes or boots and also a foot massage as soon as she arrives home.

We wives love to have our husbands at our feet. So do not hesitate to kneel often at the feet of your wife but, above all, to say goodbye to her or welcome her to home.

3. Speak to her in a low, relaxed and pleasant tone.

We, women, control the economy, politics, business, security and so on. Therefore when we get home we want our husband not to burden us with trivial problems and, above all, to speak to us in a relaxed and calm tone so that we can rest our precious feminine minds.

4. Get ready: perfume yourself, shave and take care of your appearance in front of her. Her hard day at work may need a little encouragement and ONE OF YOUR DUTIES IS TO PROVIDE IT.

When we get home we like that our husband has taken care of himself and perfumed himself for us. Because for us, our husbands are objects, toys that must always be prepared and ready to please us. A shaved, perfumed and smiling toy is more appetizing to be freely abused. It’s important that you put perfume behind your ears in case your wife wants to wildly bugger you with a strap-on.

5. During the harshest days of winter, if you have a fireplace, you should prepare a fire in the fireplace so that she relaxes in front of it.

For us, women, is very important to feel free, happy and relaxed in our home. So on cold winter days we want to find a fire going when we get home. It is your duty, as a husband, to build a good fire in the fireplace shortly before your wife’s arrival. Her female well-being should be your first priority as a man and a husband.

6. Caring about her comfort will give you immense personal satisfaction.

Yes, you, men, were born to serve and obey us, women, so, as a husband, you will feel a deep personal satisfaction by pleasing your wife. Step by step, through your obedience to her, you will feel how you are becoming a real man and good husband. Don’t stop thinking about her comfort and her needs at all times: if she needs a blanket, a cushion or a drink you must be ready to provide it.

7. Minimize noise.

In general, we women love silence, because it is easier to order ideas and concepts in silence. That is why it is important that husbands learn to shut up and keep silent. Remember, you worthless husband, that your male tongue was designed to please your wife and not to speak.

8. Greet her with a warm smile and SHOW HER YOUR DESIRE TO PLEASE HER.

It doesn’t matter if you are tired or angry, in front of your wife, you should always smile. It is possible that she has commissioned you to do more housework than you can handle, no problem, answer her with a wide smile. It is possible that wearing your penis cage all the time will cause you intense discomfort, it does not matter your duty is to smile in front of your wife. We don’t care if you are happy or not, if you are hungry or not, we just want to see your smile all the time. The simple fact of being enslaved by a woman, your wife, is reason enough to smile all the time.

9. Listen to her, let her speak first; you have to remember that THEIR TOPICS OF CONVERSATION ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOURS.

While your male tongue was designed to satisfy our intimate female pleasure, ours was designed to speak, converse and express opinions and ideas. So every time a woman speaks, above all you wife, you must be silent.

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10. Never complain if she is late or if she goes out to dinner or other places of entertainment without you.

The husband must forget all the false concepts of patriarchal marriage. It is false that wife and husband form a team, in fact a balanced marriage consists of putting each spouse in the appropriate place according to their gender: the husband closed at home, cock caged and doing domestic chores all the time; the wife leaving and entering the house freely at any time she wishes and without the need to give any explanation to her husband. In fact, by getting married, the husband becomes a household accessory, on the level of a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner or an ironing board.

11. Make her feel comfortable, let her rest in a comfortable chair.

It is very important that your wife is comfortable in order to relax properly, so you must be very attentive to offer her a chair whenever she needs it. In case she decides to use you as a chair, do not hesitate to get on all fours so that she can sit on your back. The most essential thing should not be your comfort but that of your wife. Often train the strength of your arms and legs so that they can support your wife’s weight for as long as necessary.

12. Have a hot or cold drink ready for her.

If you take good care of your wife, she will feel important and will be more likely to grant you some licenses and permits. So it is important that you often serves her drinks and that you listen to her to learn her tastes and habits. You will see how, step by step, you will learn more and more about your wife’s preferences. In this way you will become an expert waiter at her service. Soon you will know at all times what drink she needs and you will anticipate her requests.

13. DON’T ASK HER FOR EXPLANATIONS about her actions or questions about her judgment or integrity.

For the complete happiness of the couple, the wife must feel free and happy at all times. So, as a husband, you have no right to ask her for explanations about any of her actions or comments. Of course, she won’t ask you either, since, as a husband, your duty is to be locked up at home doing your housework and being properly cock caged.


From the moment your wife controls the finances and she owns all the money, she automatically becomes the owner of the house. If she also keeps the key to your penis cage, we have to say that your wife is also your absolute owner and you should treat her as such.

15. Encourage your goddess to pursue her hobbies and interests and support her without being overly pushy.

The woman has a semi-divine nature that is why you should support your wife in her hobbies and projects. When she is performing with her hobbies, remain attentive to all her orders and requests to comply with them immediately.

16. If you have any hobbies, try not to bore her by talking about them, SINCE THE INTERESTS OF MEN ARE NOT IMPORTANT.

Since we, women, have a sacred origin, the husband’s hobbies are of no importance to the wife. So you must forget about the hobbies you had when you were single. Patriarchy is a perverse system that makes man believe that he can do great things and projects. But nothing could be further from the truth: men have a complacent and submissive nature towards women. When a man gets married he should forget his wishful thinking and devote his life, as a husband, to pleasing his wife.

17. At the end of the afternoon, clean the house, let it be clean again in the morning.

We, wifes, like to live in a clean and presentable house, therefore it is very important that you complete each and every one of the cleaning tasks that your wife entrusts to you.

18. If your wife decides to spank you, accept it with a smile on your face.

Take the “spank position” everytime your wife decides to punish you, that is your duty as a good husband. Surely sometimes she will spank you for no specific reason, simply to relieve her stress, accept it with a smile on your face like the faithful husband you are. If fact husbands were not created to think, but to obey and suffer instead.

19. Do not forget to be cock caged all the time.

The cock cage is the most important device in history since it gives the woman total control over the man. That is why in marriage it is very important that the wife keep the key to your penis cage. Every time you feel the pain of your penis pressing against the cage, you should be proud to dedicate that pain to your holy wife. It is a mandate of your sacred matrimony: “The husband must be cock caged whereas the wife will enjoy total and complete freedom in all aspects of life: sexuality, personal relationships, absolute freedom of movement, and so on.

20. When you retire to the bedroom, get ready for bed as soon as possible, keeping in mind that although male hygiene is of the utmost importance, YOUR GODDESS DOESN’T WANT TO WAIT TO GO TO THE BATHROOM, so she will have priority.

Your wife has the priority going to the bathroom. In fact, in The Universal Gynecocratic Republic (our beloved matriarchal republic), toilets, pools, saunas and others are reserved for us, women.

21. Remember to look your best when you go to bed. Do not forget that, especially in bed, you are a toy at her service and her whim, since she is your wife, your goddess.

When you get used to having your penis locked in its cage, you will understand that your entire male body is the property of your wife. So out of respect and attention to her (your holy wife) you should take care of your image, especially when going to bed. Make her proud to own a desirable toy to be freely abused. The exact measure of your worth is dependent on how proud she feels to own you.

22. In case your wife wants to make you sleep on the floor or in a cage, just accept it without question.

Your wife decides about everything even the place where you should sleep. The bed is reserved for her, and only she is able to decide whether or not she grants you the privilege of sleeping with her in bed. So the best thing you can do is get your body used to the hardness of the ground. Anyway when she comes home with her lover you’ll have to sleep on the floor.

23. When it comes to the possibility of intimate relations with your goddess, it is important to remember your MARRIAGE OBLIGATIONS:

* If she feels the need to sleep, so be it, you do not have to pressure or stimulate her intimacy. You have to think that she may have had a hard day at work, or maybe she has already enjoyed with her lover.
* If your goddess suggests to use you (or abuse you), then you humbly must access, always keeping in mind that her satisfaction is more important than yours.
*If what she does to you is painful, you must learn to channel that physical suffering to always offer her a wide and beautiful smile.
* If your goddess asks you for unusual practices, be obedient and do not complain.
* When your goddess falls into a deep sleep, you need to think about if you can do something for her to enjoy a deep and restful sleep. If she snores you should never complain, you must simply remember that it is the song of a sacred goddess, your wife sacred goddess.

  Remember, dear husbands, these 23 points are a mandatory from The Universal Gynecocratic Republic, so your duty is to fulfill them.

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